Industry & Services

FdCR – Fundo de Capitalização e Resiliência (The Capitalization and Resilience Fund), was created by Banco Português de Fomento through Decree-Law No. 63/2021, with the objective ofsupporting the reinforcement of capital of commercial companies in the initial phase of activity or in the process of growth and consolidation. One of the programs created is the Venture Capital Program, which is intended to: Support the subscription of venture capital funds for investment in companies, promoting the creation and/or capitalization of companies, primarily in the start-up phases (pre-seed, seed, start-up, later stage venture – series A, B and C or scale-up);

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Promote the entry into the market and the growth/expansion of viable companies through the development of new products/services or markets, or the reinforcement and professionalization of the staff, including the management team, of the Final Beneficiaries.

MAGNIFY CAPITAL PARTNERS is one of the Fund Management Companies selected to create a Fund in which FdCR – Fundo de Capitalização e Resiliência (The Capitalization and Resilience Fund) is committed to invest 63% of the total investment.

MAGNIFY CAPITAL PARTNERS has created the NOVUS Fund (25 million euro), aiming at investing in small and medium sized companies headquartered in Portugal. NOVUS will invest in companies that have as parts of their investment plan the implementation of AI solutions to support the incorporation and/or development of industrial and services companies, including the adoption of the principles of green economy, circular economy, and improving the well being of their employees, users and/or consumers.

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